Defense Threat Reduction Agency
The Tactical Assault Kit (TAK) Chemical Biological Alerting and Response Tool (CBART)
The Tactical Assault Kit (TAK) Chemical Biological Alerting and Response Tool (CBART) is an extendable TAK plugin for CB situational awareness & decision support. CBART puts source term estimation (CB STE) and high resolution – building aware transport and dispersion modeling (CB Urban) in the hands of the forward deployed warfighter operating in disconnected CBRN contested environments. CBART seamlessly integrates TAK CB STE, TAK CB Urban, and the other CB SA tools under a single front-facing TAK application. CBART provides a communication mechanism between the warfighter and analysts.
Warfighters operate in environments with little to no network connectivity and do so without the time for intense “heads down” interaction with analytical tools. CBART provides a simple to operate plugin bringing together CB applications ad at the same time minimizing touchpoints between the operator and the CBART plugin.
Can CB transport and dispersion applications involving highly complex atmospheric modeling be made available to warfighters on the tactical edge? Can the computations be executed fast enough to be useful in tactical time frames (in minutes, even seconds as opposed to hours)?
CBART puts CB situational awareness and decision support in the hands of the warfighter through an Android Tactical Assault Kit (ATAK) handheld device that requires minimum interaction from the operator. Through the use of Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) technology, sub meter scale, building aware, faster than real-time transport and dispersion capabilities are made available at to the warfighter the tactical edge aiding in decision making in CB affected environments.

The Chemical Biological Alerting and Response Tool (CBART) Seamlessly Integrates the CB Situational Awareness and Decision Support Tools Under a Single Front-facing ATAK Plug-in
CBART operating in Warfighter mode, this hands free application of CBART auto plays through Sensor Data Acquisition, to Analysis, then Situational Awareness and Decision Support without need for input from the Warfighter.

CBART has been demonstrated at multiple events and military training exercise. Here, developers of the technology get direct Warfighter feedback on CBART utility, form, fit, and function. Since inception, demonstrations and exercises including CBART are listed to the left. 2024 promises to be another active year of demonstrations and military touchpoint exercises.